CRiTiCaL iNCiDeNTs !!!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

CaRiNG aBouT D NuMBeRS...

why is it too hard to make the numbers go down...

sometimes its so hard to do what you have to do in order to prevent your numbers from increasing. even if you put your whole mind into it, it just isn't enough. the will power it needs to help you bring it down is just too big and too hard to muster.

but why do some people have it easy? they normally have lesser numbers than i have and yet they can satisfy themselves a whole lot more without adding a unit or two.

as for me, if i lose just a little, tinny, winny inch of control, it easily shows. does one really have to look at his numbers to know if someone may be able to appreciate him? why do we always have to look at this aspect of ourselves to make sure we can be liked? is this really the basis of admiration? or even just simple acceptance? or do we have to simply accept the fact and move on. these are my numbers and i should accept it. i have to move forward and be myself.

do i still try to make the numbers go down? do i need to after accepting the fact that this is how I am?

i know i have been rambling about this for quite some time. its a phase of mine that shows up one moment and disappears the next.
just bear with me and i'll be okay.
just BEAR with me...hahaha!

what the heck...

Sunday, October 15, 2006


its been a couple of weeks now since I started working for DIS Philippines and its been quite the ride.

i have, again, discovered the wonders and joys of being a new employee and undergoing new hire training.
it feels so nice getting pampered and getting attention from all other departments and the senior management team.
its even a bit more interesting since i am part of batch one for the company's customer service group. this is actually the first time i joined a pioneer group for this big a company and i am quite proud.

Batch 1, DIS Philippines - Customer Care

aside from that, i kinda like being in this new environment, which is a big improvement from my previous one. (this is in terms of the structures and processes already in place. i still love the people i've worked with in ITP. Holler to my WOW gang homies!)
i mean, there is no scarcity in supplies, each room has its own projector, we have our own cafeteria that looks like a foodcourt, plus, employee handbooks and other necessary info materials regarding company policies and procedures are handed out during your first week...

but aside from these superficial things, i like how the company envisions their success. a success that is reached through the improvement of customer experience by improving their employees work environment and benefits. this is to ensure each employee gives their 110% focus and attention to their work and not think about their incomplete salary, unpaid sss benefits or the lack of bond paper to print out their recommendation for promotion.

its such a relief to know the company you work with values your contributions to the company and gives importance to you as an integral part of its success. and they dont stop by saying this, they show it. its justa comforting feeling.

I actually had a chat with 2 of my closest friends, Kitch and Gina. the 3 of us previously worked together in ITP and are now with 3 different companies. all of us had one thing to say, "we are now happy in the companies' we are with."

such a wonder to experience working more than 8 hour shifts and yet never complain because we are confident the company appreciates these simple things and lets you feel their appreciation in more than ways than one. we get loads of work yet we still get pampered.

not to mention, i am lucky enough to get to work with very fun loving and wonderful people.

Holler to my co-TMs! Stela, Jon, Maffy, Rhoyce, Yeye, Laine, Janice and Walter! Plus our AMs Vjiay, Donna and Rach! the batch 1 RS's and trainers (PnP n LnD)! special mention to Weng, Aimee, Grace and Glenn!

right now, i am enjoying the ride and appreciating every minute of it. hope ur all enjoying ur ride as well.

Monday, October 09, 2006

CaRLoS JoaQuiN's DaY!

Recently, the newest addition to the Gaton Clan was embraced by the Catholic Community.
Here are some of the pictures to relive the memorable day.

CaRLoS JoaQuiN
upper: Pia with her Father, CJ, 2 of Arlette's old co workers, Myke, Carl
lower: Girlie, CJ, Jan, Michael, Arlette and Carlos, Me
THe GueSTs
That's my mom at the near end of the 2nd row, beside my nephew Sam
That's Arlette's Mom at the near end of the 1st row, Antie Violy
Sharon, Pia, Antie Violy, Michael, Arlette with Carlos and Tito Tony
My nephew Sam on stage while the coordinator explains some things. Hahaha!

Carlos inside our family's gift...

Mother and child...ahh...