CRiTiCaL iNCiDeNTs !!!

Monday, October 09, 2006

CaRLoS JoaQuiN's DaY!

Recently, the newest addition to the Gaton Clan was embraced by the Catholic Community.
Here are some of the pictures to relive the memorable day.

CaRLoS JoaQuiN
upper: Pia with her Father, CJ, 2 of Arlette's old co workers, Myke, Carl
lower: Girlie, CJ, Jan, Michael, Arlette and Carlos, Me
THe GueSTs
That's my mom at the near end of the 2nd row, beside my nephew Sam
That's Arlette's Mom at the near end of the 1st row, Antie Violy
Sharon, Pia, Antie Violy, Michael, Arlette with Carlos and Tito Tony
My nephew Sam on stage while the coordinator explains some things. Hahaha!

Carlos inside our family's gift...

Mother and child...ahh...


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